
Beneath My Shell

Beneath my shell

            I’m 99% dead

                        My life drains quick

                                    From voices in my head

Beneath my shell

            Lies my inner child

                        He remembers the days

                                    That he never smiled

Beneath my shell

            A tiny crack gaps

                        It spreads itself

                                    When I collapse

Beneath my shell

            I’m shy and shamed

                        Furious and frightened

                                    Always feeling unclaimed

Beneath my shell

            My nightmares are real

                        The devil is hungry

                                    And I’m the main meal

Beneath my shell

            I can’t break free

                        Until the day I’m

                                    At piece with me

Beneath my shell

            It gets harder to speak

                        Just cause I am quiet

                                    Does not mean I am weak

Beneath my shell

            I am praying 4 air

                        If there is a God

                                    Please show me you’re there

Beneath my shell

            I strive to make piece

                        That will be the day

                                    From my shell I release