

         FAR, far, on a winter night

         At a black muddy road

        With a thundering sound

                                                  He comes on a black healthy horse

                                                  Through the foggy wind

                                                   A rejuvenated dream of a hopeless boy!!


Near, near to dusty waves…

On the side of a roofless house…

With a black big cycle he sets out…


                                          Thought the endless road

                                          He peddles hopelessly straight,

                                          At the narrow end

                                          A twinkling light he saw…

                                          He sped the peddling…

Soon, soon he reached

With a triumph…

He laughed, he laughed with a hail


                         He peddled again through

                        The road he passed off…

                         This time slowly, enjoying the breeze,

                         The breeze of winter is cool and gives freshness,

As he dreamt a rider at a foggy road!

A foggy road on the winter night

And through the blacky road…

 Bottle from his pannier empowered his foot…


                   On the way he salutes the martyr tomb…

                   The heights and slopes of road made to doom…

                   All the way he just remembering

                     All the legendary tales with a thought he never fails…


He the rider reached back …

           To the roofless house…


                                          Rapture on his face

                                          Long away inside the foggy air

                                          A black healthy horse with its rider

                                         Runs away… far… as in his dream

                                         Far, far to a gusty land!!!