Dr.Sandhya Tiwari


As we go about our busy schedule in life

Amidst the trivialities and strife

We often forget the beauty and bounty

With which our life is spread

Bills to pay, errands to run

Is that the only fun?

We are not leading life but are lead

Biologically alive but senses dead.


As child the shoulder is laden with books

Hurry at home for snacks and lunch to cook

At school hardly time to spend at recess

Nobody to pacify and caress

Math, science and other teachers

Great they are, successful as preachers

Hour after hour information is crammed

Ignoring how the creative acumen is harmed.


Gone are the days of school

Pre-school, pre-primary, primary and high school

From school to 10+2 responsibility doubled

Silent waters we appear, though troubled

Not just college to go

Tutorials, prep institutions to attend

Sarma, Prashanti, Matrushri and so on

Will prepare you join Ramaiah’s sojourn

Ramaiah will prepare in turn for IIT, IIIT and NIT

So crazy has become the society

Chasing madly one after the other

Hardly have we realized how the time swept like feather.


Once into IIT rules and deadlines to adhere

Away from the family we thither

Projects, papers and activities

Life is full of pretence and vanities

Parents are proud IITcian is son

They all expect lots and midnights to burn

I couldn’t say enough, no more!

Books, books and books since I was just four

Who really thinks of me I mourn

Teachers and parents were alike spitefully stern.


O’ Lord! Hey Lord! O’ Almighty! O’ omniscient!

Guide me to make sense and understand

Precious and true purpose on the land 

Take me out from chaos and the mess

Help me understand the things beyond commonsense

Pondering, wondering I spent my day

Gathered all thoughts sublime and stray

Silent on the terrace under the star studded sky I lay

A voice, somber and queer, screams

‘Lead life king-size; follow your dreams’.