Huzaidi Hashim

Togetherness isn't everything

It was you who remembered,
the shy boy, hiding under a tree
when all my friends were trying
to take you out for a party.

It was you with smiles and all
a soothing voice that felt so cozy
amidst the slander thrown at me
by those who couldn't let me be

It was you who made me feel
that staying was worth my while.
Although the odds were against us
If we go, we should go in style.

The day you went was tearful
Cause I knew I'd surely miss
the friend I could never hold
or show my love with a kiss

We met a very long time ago
when our shyness were at best
And now that we discovered
togetherness was laid to rest

All I can do is smile again
as I watched your family grow
Just as happily as my own did
complete with shine and glow

Togetherness isn't everything
if it mean't having to be apart
Although we are smiles away
You will always stay in my heart