Standing alone at the end of a cliff

Feeling the power of the wind

Lonesome and sorrowful wanted to lift

My body swayed and made rescind


A vulture was soaring high above my head

Its screech reminded the hubbub of the world

Crowd sounds in my ear like molten lead

Their pointing fingers like piercing sword


The earth stood still underneath my feet

The edgy rocks making my feet bleed

No more friends or support to greet

No one to listen my rescue plead


My shoulders burdened with responsibilities

The chilly mountain breeze darkened my beacon of hope

There were no climax, no opportunities

My heart ached, my brain pounded which I couldn’t cope


I fell from the top tumbling till bottom

I wasn’t hurt but my heart was

The river at low reminded it was not yet autumn

It reflected my image with hope and born with a cause


I stood up straight, cleaned the dirt off of me

To tell the world I am reborn again

The life was new which I could foresee

There were still things to lose and gain


   Strength and passion burning in my blood

   My rebirth was new blooming bud.