
awaken the slumbering leaders

Oh! youths of this generation

where are thou?

i seek the youth an found not

where are all our eligble youths?

and a voice answered and said;

the youth you seek are lost in the heart of this world


How? why? when?

they seek fun and pleasure of the world and have gone deaf ears to their mother's plea

but they are suppose to be fighting Bribery, Corruption,Hiv and Aids and all other diseases that threatens to destroy them,

but instead they have aid in the spread of  all this?


Oh! youths wake up from thou slumber before we are totally consumed

let us go back to the day's of our father's were youths are recognise as future leaders

for we have lost our marks

let us come together and fight all this things that threatens to destroy us

for let we not forget, a change in our nation starts with us