
Angel Of light

She stands there

Under the clock as it strikes 12:00

Perfectly still


Her long, golden blonde hair sweeps across her face

As a small breeze whispers in her ear

Her crystal blue eyes

So deep it feels as though you can see her soul

Look around to see if he appears


Her eyes glisten with tears

Screaming the pain she feels

For everyone to see


Her tears fall

Rolling down her rosy red cheeks

The moonlight shines of her hair

Brightening the whole area


She starts to walk

Gliding across the grass

So soft she walks barefoot

A breeze wisps by

Wrapping her sparkling silver dress around her

A cape of pure gold sweeps behind her


Who is this beauty ???


Gently singing she walks

Her voice so sweet

It sounds like a thousand angels

Singing of love


She’s back under the clock

As it strikes 1:00

The clock breaks

Shards of crystal fly down

Surrounding her

Not a single one touches her

Her beauty more defined than ever


The tears stop falling

But the pain is still etched on her face

Who is this girl  ??


This angel of light !!