jvl narasimha rao


I am alone

But this universe is mine

I may not have a home

In the entire world I can roam

Most times I feel lonely

Sometimes I think the Globe is my family

I may be poor

But my heart is very pure

I may be blind

But I am very kind

I never think of my pain

But I always wish for others’ gain

I can see with my mind’s eye

My thoughts soar into the sky

I  always live in imagination

And anticipate people’s emancipation

I am neither a man

Nor a woman

I am a universal human

I don’t belong to any region

Humanity is my religion

I am a huge tree

I am very free

I am a wonderful bird

And fly all over the word

I am as swift as fishes

And cross all the oceans

I am  a different animal

I do not live in a kernel

Or even in a tunnel

I am a poem, a song, an art----

Who am I?

Yours lovingly