jvl narasimha rao


Two angels came from the west

To East to teach English in the  right earnest

With their graceful and light feet

How could they bear the scorching heat?

They are Lucy and Elizabeth by name

England is the land from which they came.

What a stylish language English is!

Will you all learn  the language please?

Isn’t it our culture  to express gratitude

To  those who serve us with positive attitude?

The wheel of time is a great monster.

His ways are always sinister.

Won’t he allow anybody to stay at a place forever?

Is he really an enemy of our life giver?

Miss Lucy and  Elizabeth !we will inevitably miss you.

May Jesus certainly bless you!.

O f course , the email will cut down the distances

We will continue to read your sentences

Let us all give them a big hand

They have travelled a lot from their home land.