
Thank You Lord

I can see now that I am very much loved,

The good Lord sure did watch me from up above.

I don’t know why something like this would happen to me,

But they do say whatever God does is sure meant to be.

You’re not supposed to question the big man about why,

I’m just so thankful that it wasn’t my time to die.

It sure does make you realize life and be more alert,

Because one day you could be more than just hurt.

Thanks you Lord for keeping me out of harms way,

I do trust you to guide me from day to day.

Thank you Lord for such an amazing mom and dad,

There’s no other parents that I’d rather have.

They will always stay deep within my heart,

Nothing nor no one could e ever make us part.

I also want to thank you for the rest of my family and friends,

Because I know that they will stay close to me til' the very end.