Cheeky Missy

"Too Busy?"

I'd love to write-n-all, 'tis so; 

But I'm too busy now, you know: 

What with the things I've got to do....

I can't find time to answer you.

I've meant to oft but time's been scarce.....  

Why, who would take few moments fair 

To jot some lines to say "I care,     

Recall your lines and know you're there"; 


And just to keep in touch, a "Hi", 

I'm busy now so must say "bye", 

But will write back with more and soon's

I find more time to answer you"?! 


But NO!  I need three hours or more,  

Before I'd write a word, of course!

And so your mailbox empty lies,  

Because I cannot spare the time.