



 Dressed in mind-blowing apparells,

 he appears;

 with tongue sweeter than honey

looks broadcasting money

attitude just right,

 to earn him a night,

with the girl he tagged right


 The figure "8" could look no better

on a girl we call Martha

one could say God took his time,

and all his dime,

 just to make her,

 the most sought after


 A flash of his smile,

saying words of a thousand miles

just before one can think twice,

the girl stands as stiff as ice

vigorously nodding "yes"

 to heaven knows what question


 Beautiful a mere statment

 breathtaking an understatment

 for even the world's best dictionary

 could not explain this extarordinary

 whose simple smile,

 sent shivers down a million spines


 Love at first sight they say,

 forgetting there's always a price to pay

 for when one's heart is to be broken

 there will be no token

 but loads of scorn and laughter

 are sure to last ever after.