Josh Taylor

Time Of Death

Before you breathe that last breath,

You want to achieve everything by your time of death.


It’s not about what you can say you’ve done or can claim,

It’s about doing yourself justice and fulfilling every aim.


Life in the greater scheme of things is short,

And experiences that change oneself cannot be bought.


So it’s important to make the most of your time,

Wasting it in a strange way is a sadomasochistic crime.


Enhancing and adapting one’s skills is a thing of beauty,

But it’s not just that, it’s a matter of duty.


It’s not about gaining notoriety, money and fame,

But ensuring there is no room for regret or self-blame.


It may not be that every time you succeed,

At least though give yourself the chance you need.


Quitting is easy but persisting will reveal you at your best,

Never doubt though, it will be a test.


Remember your dreams with their original sheen,

Instead of giving up and looking back on what could have been.


Instead of being jealous of those who achieve,

Have faith in yourself and believe.


Do what is right and use your head,

So you can smile with satisfaction on your deathbed.


Then listen with pride as you hear people say,

“Here lies a man that made the most of each and every day”.