Cheeky Missy

Trudging through the snow...

Trudging through the snow

On a chilly winter's day, 

Through the yard I go,

 Stumbling all the way!  

   Trying in vain to find 

   A level path to tread, 

    Everytime I think I'm fine....

    Plunging deep in snow instead! 


 O Wintertime! It's so fine...

But oh! It is so cold! 

All the water that comes down

Is slipp'ry ice or snow! 

   O it fine?   

Certainly 'tis cold!   

Beats the heat of summetime 

  I thought, but I don't know.....

I can hardly wait 'til Spring,

 Tho' I've two months yet to go, 

Ere my fingers do not freeze

When hanging out the clothes! 

   The dexterity I'll have, 

   And soft, UNfrozen clothes.... 

  When hanging with UNmittened hands

   And warmth instead of cold! 


Yet I should not thus complain,

 And there are some things I like:

...The thickly falling flakes,

 And stillness, and bright white, 

   The crunching underfoot, 

   And dangling icicles,  

  The frosted world surrounding, 

   Sparkling diamonds in the snow!!! 

