
Jazz Filled Love

Here in the dark

Often will I

Listen to crazy notes

Crazy, jazz-filled notes, that can


Move my mind

Stir my soul

As they work their magic

Through the ending of the day


And do you hear?

That music too

Is it in someway shared

How I'd love those notes to speak


To you and I

Both together

Holding each other close

In sweet surrender to love


And as I see

In my minds eye

The dazzling, shining, bright

Reflections of brass, I feel


That we are both

Caught in a whirl

As crazy as these notes

That fill the air with sound


And as the tune

Plays on and on

So too I hope will ours

A never ending jazz piece


Written for us

In its own style

And boldly played some day

So the whole wide world can hear


About the love

Between us both

That's crazy and heartfelt

As are all these jazz-filled notes.