Cheeky Missy

I Don't Like You Anymore

I don't like you anymore.

Does that strike a fearful chord? 

Think you I'll walk out the door

And you'll see me nevermore? 

But while doubt plays in your mind, 

And your eyes are searching mine

Trying to see if you can find

What I mean and this deny, 

I will tell you what I mean; 

Tremble, yes, while searching me; 

For I say it not lightly....

You mean so much more, you see: 

I don't like you anymore....

"Like" strikes such a fickle chord,

 Lightly in and out the door; 

Thus I cast it off with scorn.....

For what shall not pass away, 

Steadfast and enduring, yea, 

I would be from day to day; 

Dare believe me when I say.....

I LOVE you.
