jvl narasimha rao


You are  my  dear foreign  barstard


You have become our watch word


You conquered the whole world


You are a piercing, powerful bird


You are a big vulture


The destroyer of Indian culture


You devoured almost all the other birds


It is very pleasing to hear your words


Once you made the sun never set


Many rules have you got


Have you ever followed them yet?


For the rich and the elite you are a pet


Everybody wants to make friends with you


Why do you bless a chosen few?


Your genealogy is rather difficult to cite


Your access to the rural poor is a pathetic plight


In alien places you come to our rescue


The entire human race looks for you in a queue


The readers wonder who you are.


You may not be a living creature.


I don’t want to make a lot of fuss

 It is left to the readers to make a right guess