

It’s too early for me to be doing this in my teens

Smoking greens

Bud in my genes

Subliminal thoughts will be blown into smithereens

Skip the all bull and take me straight to the scene

Where another teen

Does the same routine

At least this time he lays peaceful and clean

He use to be as sweet and shiny like a tangerine

He’s only fifteen

But this has been foreseen

There was love and hate and he was caught in between


Lord forgive my selfish reasons of doubt

I feel burned from the light and dread from the drought

But before my light goes out

Please tell me what this is all about


I’m on my knees begging the lord please

Let me ease take away my disease

I appreciate the breeze that you send to me

Waving on the trees and brushing the sea

I’ve displeased and sneezed out sin

But you bless me still and fill me in

I wrestled with life and almost was pinned

But I was saved by you and the kindness of wind


Brush my face and ruffle my hair

I’ll know it’s a sign that you are there

I won’t know for sure until I’m accepted upstairs

But until then for now just hear my prayers


Caring and sparing, you mean the best

I know you understand I am only depressed

With my mouth many times I have confessed

You make me whole and my life blessed


Waking up from things that seemed so askew

But now I’m through

I only live for you

Chapters in my life will now be anew

Your hand alone sucks out my flue

I’ll be subdue

To being blue

But with your guidance I know what to do

I don’t need to drink, fight or use

I see your views

And won’t refuse

Between love and hate it’s you I choose