Cheeky Missy

What the Fireball Said.....

Look away and touch me not, love, 

Lest the fire we feel consume: 

Losing ourselves and what we were

Making one where once was two.

Cautiously now proceed my dear, 

Beware as well what you say; 

Just one look sets my heart racing

Also your mere touch inflames....

Silence now for what you've just said

Made my heart stop...and flutter: 

You turn me on with little words

Careful now, what you utter....

Giving that look when our eyes met, 

How the flick'ring flame provoked, 

Roaring sudd'nly with vehemence, 

A devouring fire in both.....

Needed but that electric touch

Making your conquest complete: 

I give myself completely up----

You're intoxicating me! 

What will we be when we wake up? 

I know I can't rightly say...

Just that it better last fore'er.

...It's all YOUR fault, anyway! 
