
Other Worlds Out There

Just beyond my wildest dreams

Lies another world full of wonders

Full of magic and mystery

Filled with strange creatures

An adventure is waiting for us

Somewhere out there

There are other worlds out there

That are waiting to be explored

Who knows what's waiting for us

But I do know its exciting

Like a clam it holds a special pearl

Within its core that we all seek

That pearl is adventure

Friendship and love

No matter what world we go to

We'll always be there together

Exploring the unknown out there

Sharing the good and bad times

Surviving the elements

Bonding as pals

Even if sometimes we don't get along

Deep down were all friends and family

Sometimes love blossoms between pairs

Don't you smell it

Its adventure

Its waiting for us

We can't stay locked in a tower

Looking from a window

We gotta break out

To see those worlds

There are other worlds out there

Just waiting for us

Each of us weaving our own stories

Turning into books then to novels

Telling about our advetures

A world full of water and mermaids

A mechanical and future world

A medieval world full of mystical wonder

Full of knights, princesses and ruffians

Even true love that conquers all

Every world has its potential

Each is unique in its own way

That hides mystery and secrets

To solve and explore

There are other worlds out there

Waiting to be explored

Don't be a lump on a log

Get up and go for it

Break the path

Don't be afraid

Just go for it

Have confidence

Courage deep within

Time to bust out of here

There are other worlds out there

Ready to be explored

Adventures waiting for us

Just beyond a door

There are other worlds out there

Just waiting for us

Don't be afraid

Just go with the flow

There are other worlds out there

Just waiting for us

To answer the call of adventure

So lets all go for it

While were still young

We got a whole lifetime

So lets make the best of it

There are other worlds out there

New friends to meet

Foes to contend with

Helping people with their problems

Strengthening our bonds

Sharing dreams and laughter

Somewhere out there

There are other worlds out there

That are waiting to be explored

Who knows what's waiting for us

But I do know its exciting