Cheeky Missy

Musing the Dungeon

(sonnet attempt #XIII) 


I now bemoan in vain captivity, 
For none but a pitying glance do give.
My lovers cannot rescue me.....I live
But as a far-off, distant memory....
A prisoner where once I thought me free.
An unrepentant, bitter captive, 
Now taste my fears alone...I did misgive.
In chains where I once knew such liberty.
And cry to Thee against Whom I rebelled: 
'Twas by Thy hand that I did all this lose, 
And in Thy hand my times I know do rest....
I do not want to perish, lost in hell; 
And yet I do not want Thy way to choose....
Thus for my faults I know I'm now opprest.
