
The SHORT Bus Ride

All aboard for anyone who wants to take a short bus ride,

Don’t worry we have plenty of room the seats are large and wide.

Melba’s the bus driver who yells at us to stay in our seat,

Cause’ if we don’t then we sure will get beat.

Bubba is tryin’ to sing the ABC 123 song,

But the poor thing is singing it all wrong.

All Katrina can scream out is “word of the day” and “weeee”,

You better get outta her way I think she’s gotta pee.

Whenever Drew gets mad he blurts out “cats ass”,

He only says that on the bus not while in class.

You will see Mary standing outside laughing and pointing at us,

It’s all ok though she’s just jealous that she’s not on the short bus.

We might have crayons sticking out of our nose,

But it’s ok cause’ while in the dark out helmets glows.

On our bus we only serve short cans of pop,

You need to drink one because they really rock.

So hop aboard and we will share all the joy,

Trust me you sure will have lots of fun oh boy.