Cheeky Missy

NO! "29 and Holding!"

My youthful lusts I would NOT flee....
This cannot EVER happen to me! 
Why dost Thou say that I must be...
A "grown-up" UNdeniably? ! 

....I'm turning thirty....NO! don't say...
My foolishness now put away? 
And see ahead to that near day
When I shall face the Lord,.....Oh Nay! 

The time must not now be so short! 
These youthful lusts I'd EVER court! 
Don't say my ship must "come to port"
And thus to wisdom me exhort.

My twenties I would NEVER leave; 
But to their foolishness e'er cling....
I'm just a kid forEVER, see? 
The end of youth can't come on ME! 

To follow feelings I implore, 
To youthful lusts not yet forsworn; 
When I grow up I'll fear the Lord....
But that day's still far off, of course! 

I FEEL too young to be grown-up...
To be mature is still too much.
Besides, I LOOK like I'm too young; 
Let me thus as a youth have fun.

Tomorrow I will grown-up be.
But for today, my feelings lead; 
And if young men do notice me, 
My age do never ask, I plead......
