Cheeky Missy

Alas! but He Liked ME???!

There once was a fellow...
Just a bagger at Jewel....
Who, while bagging our stuff,
Was rather odd or what? cruel? 

For he called to his fellow
(Who was clerking our stuff) 
How oft he did wish now
He'd called his girlfriend at lunch! 

He said it so often
That I wished he had too! 
Which I wonder he meant; 
For which I'll now show you....

For some weeks or month after, 
Very late one warm night, 
We came to buy few things
...As they turned down the lights.

'Twas him that was bagging
Our groceries again, 
And but few other workers...
But all of them friends.

For he winked to his fellows
When he saw me ahead, 
(Which I'd never have known
But for what my Mom said) 

And when I came as usual
While he bagged all our stuff
He called out to my father....
"Did we live close [enuf]?"'

And then turning to me
He now suddenly said, 
"And [just] how old are YOU?"
And my heart sank as lead.....

For he was rather young
And by contrast I....old, 
Which I gave him to see
By a look 'fore I told: 

He was taken aback.....
But he rallied quite quick! 
And changing his tactics
Conversed as age befit.

And thus was the matter; 
I now think that his fuss, 
Of calling his girlfriend
As he'd wished he'd at lunch...

Might not quite have been just
What it first might have seemed: 
But perhaps as a front
For response, say, from me? ! 
