
Out Of My Mind

I feel the need
To step out of my head
For a few minutes

I quietly put on my boots
Slowly tip-toe past my common sense
Deliberately open the door
And leap out into the nothingness

I leave the light on and the window open
Just in case
I lose my mind
And cannot find it again

I see my thoughts
Float by like clouds
And I hear memories
Echoing far away

My dreams are as unpredictable
As fireflies
Flickering on and off
Floating on by me as I spin in circles

I usually stay here for a while
I never know how long
Because mankind has not (yet)
Built a clock outside of reality

Whenever I finally return
I find my brain back in order
As if someone had come by
To clean up the mess

All of my wants neatly stacked in one corner
Next to my newly polished hopes and wishes
My plans are folded and stored properly
And most of my thoughts agree with one another

I never know
How this happens
I ask my brain
But it swears it was asleep

Whatever the reason
My mind is now at peace
With reality
And I can continue on

All you need to do is
Step out of your head
For a few minutes