
Praises to God

In perilous path, resilient on the plains of earth,

On the barren turf, where the bleach dust sow,

Iniquity planted with thorns, darkness brought forth,

Only crushed vines withered by the suns glow.


But the meek of earth sing praises within the heart,

Unto God from where blessings come; and praises go,

In celestial glow, with grace and mercy proclaim truth,

Where love blossom and the lilies of joys grow.


Distant sounds hear the sum of drums beat in heaven,

Sky high clouds carry messages coming from the heart,

Anticipating wonderful praises to God the choice given, 

From cleansing souls began a journey of new birth. 


To live in peace free from guilt, and proclaim harmony,

In tempted causes of life where the tame minds go,

People give praises to God and blessings accompany,

Go where joy resonates and the still waters flow.


And if earth’s society tries to keep glad pilgrims bound,

They in the court of praise ascend the rearward light,

From around the globe, to God it shines; head to womb,

And no wound from hell or hound the heel will bite.


For they are victorious in praises and the radiant beam,

Sends the gospel bells ringing across the plains of earth,

Over land and seas, places herald the wondrous gleam,

Brighter than darkness, the light proclaim liberty and truth.