

my minds at loss when chaos calls leaving a message of deep meaning
it's true that all time is fleeting but time is decieving
my head was held high when i was full of pride
those days long past those times well spent
waking up lost without a cent lost finding not you but only your scent
drinking away my soul trying to hide from reality fighting away my sanity
ever expanding anger envelopes everything around this bottle
this bottle i constantly carry constantly full of false confidence
constantly causing me to cry out break down and drown in sin
let the games begin I'm immortal and still can't win
when we got off track I lost a part of myself I can't get back
lost reality along with all feeling lost running in circles on the ceiling
doing laps between rafters sprinting from a memory of your laughter
I'm everyone's personal jester fooling no one
juggling numbers around acting like it was fun
making small talk pillow talk with two rubbers and a short walk
I'll put on a show astound the crowd then leave without a sound
life's a joke and time's the punch line
in the end there's no audience only your mind