Cheeky Missy

Long or Short?

"They" said of all long emails, 
"They [would] surely take their toll"
And I'd find my friends departed, 
Who I thought had loved me so.

While I thought such things might happen, 
It would surely not touch me, 
For I thought we loved such missives, 
Both to write as well as read.

I was right about the reading, 
But the writing was a chore; 
And for all the time I labored.....
All my friends did write no more! 

Can you guess how much a bummer
Just to waste such precious time, 
Trying to prove "them" all so wrong.....
Just to find out they were right? 

Perhaps I love long emails, 
But the folk I write do NOT; 
So I've gotta cut the chatter, 
OR settle for "Empty Inbox"! 
