
Sweet Torture

Sweet Torture
- by MVB

I struggle daily to resist you
Since giving in to you will kill me
But I would rather die from passion
Than lonely, sad and hopeless be


I try so hard to no more love you
But my mind does not have a voice
My heart took you with no resistance
And never did I have a choice

I try so often to forget you
Because mine you can never be
But knowing I could one day lose you
It tears inside my whole being


I sometime wish I could avoid you
To save me from the pain inside
But I can’t stand the thought of spending
A life with you being cast aside


So I surrender with abandon
And thoughts that always roam my mind
Resist, not love, forget, avoid you
Will never take my love-filled heart


There is no room for hate in my heart because it is already filled with your love.