
Where I'm From



I’m from polluted streets

And dirty alleys

I’m from stray dogs

And rickshaws

I’m from a poor country

With not many opportunities

I’m from sharing a room with 5 others

And drinking chai in the morning

I’m from a country that is forming

From tears of mourning

I’m from knowing the people of the slums

From screaming around just for fun

I’m from crossing the streets without looking

And littering without caring

I’m from lizards in your house at night

And homes getting robbed if not locked right

I’m from the hot burning sun coming down on me

The humid air that de-energizes me

I’m from getting hit at school if something is not done right

From coming home before the street lights turn on

I’m from seeing family everyday

And praying that everything we have never goes away

I’m from studying all day

From speaking back to your parents will earn you a slap on the face

I’m from a place with no ‘children’s help line’

From a place where if you get hit just remember not to do it next time

I’m from a place where much happens

From a place where you cannot explain it with a poem

I’m from a place where you have to witness it in person

From a place who made me who I am, the good and the bad