Cheeky Missy

Clothespin Illustration of Marriage?!

Do you s'pose a wooden clothespin: 
Two groov 'ed pieces with a spring....
Could give a little lesson now
On marriage? okay, let us see.....

Consider for a moment now, 
What is it when it falls apart? 
Why, just two chunks of wood I see, 
Not good alone, and mayhap marred.

O there's this side and there's that side....
Which is the better half you think? 
Oh that's not difficult, you know, 
It is the half that has the spring! 

But neither side better or not, 
Can ever hang a single thing.
Each by themselves a piece of wood....
Together, a new entity.

As for the spring? it seems quite key...
Uniting it makes the whole pin. 
And love the glue of marriage seems 
The love which God oft two souls gives. 

Thus a simple common clothespin 
A lesson thus just might provide 
On marriage, lovin' and livin'... 
So simple, so key, so divine. 

October '10