
The loving measures of obscurities=)

Life's outrage to human kind

sitting above all measured places

lingering in city lights verses city heights

streams often stirs the atmosphere with love

clubbing the very essence of hitting a headache

roaming from roman candles to higher portions

setting the speed high above all else here

letting out fumes, steams of hopeful measures

allowing the animals to be all they can be

seeing the functioning of the one true bearing

limiting the affections of old men verse young men

waiting for that special place to submit self to

everyday is a new sunshine for anyone at pain

reminding you that love is love when it is rightly use

say no when you know deep inside you're not ready

say yes when you know deep in your heart you can do it

leave the hardships to the professionals whom gets the cash

lay aside every weight that easily beset us from running the race

joyful, loving, faithful, kindness is the best route in doing things

unmask the very essence of hoping in your best interest alone