Cheeky Missy

Dear Valentine...... "A Fortnight of Valentines"---my latest (crazy)whimsy....a collection of sappy sonnet (attempts), fraught with redundancy, and so hastily executed and crafted by imaginative fancy as to hopefully not be too repulsive to the reader.  And yes, fairly UNedited, presently.


(sonnet attempt # XVI) 


My heart is only thine, sweet Valentine.
I'm none else but my daddy's little girl, 
And dearly does he love me in this world; 
So safely keeps nor readily consigns, 
How precious too he holds me and benign, 
Demands none but the best for his one pearl, 
Too ready to call half my choices churls.
And if you are a bach'lor all is fine.
For purity no less does he require, 
Since he has kept in chastity all long
He's loathe to let but any less entwine.
Though readily I'd partake of passion's fire, 
Rare fellow 'tis to whom I might belong.....
Art thou sufficient, love, to call me MINE? 
