Cheeky Missy

My Valentine.....???

"A Fortnight of Valentines"---my latest (crazy)whimsy....a collection of sappy sonnet (attempts), fraught with redundancy, and so hastily executed and crafted by imaginative fancy as to hopefully not be too repulsive to the reader.  And yes, fairly UNedited, presently.


Day three


(sonnet attempt # XX) 


I never on this day so sweet, as yet
Have had a lover who would call me "Mine."
They always AFTER it was over timed
Petitions for my heart, by theirs to get.
As if I was not worth the great expense
This Halmark holiday for "love" designed
To make all paupers who would "love" enshrine, 
Voraciously society besets.
Thus but a dream I chase in sonnets sweet
To "love" who hides him on that day far off
From me. As if perhaps reality
Could furnish yet a valentine to doff
His cap and as it were, on his bent knee
Sweet overtures of love now proffer soft.
