
The road full of promises

By the time we found out it was already,

Too late to change on the road full of promises,

Hard to let go of things we love and things we try,

Clutch the shadows in sunset of joy and crisis.


Darkness flood the light from dawn converged,

Trying to hold onto everything we deserve,

Changes came to our lives, and crosswords emerged,

Fell in pieces and broken dreams stayed reserve.


No likely end could opportunity bring than sorrow,

And with the cross down drop upon our knees,

The joy was dim and breathes grimacing as we go,

In pulse beat emotions on the road full of promises.


Sweat reared as water ski, coil and swiftly swan,

In the spring of love anxiety ambush the heart,

And tears rang; became dreams come and gone,

In the laden flame that glows fainter by sight.


We meet our fate on the road full of promises,

And in pain, somewhere along the road we stop,

Only to think briefly by guilt fury our gain and loses,

Those that we hate they could have been loved.


The impulse drove windy tumults in our mind,

Search happier state of this life where we had been,

The breath we wasted on the path left behind,

Brought sorrows to define the duty held in a dream.


Some dreams came true from the start to the end,

But the pledge of other promises left unfulfilled,

The reduction were never woken, and went unbroken,

Fortunately they made me smile still in silence stayed.