Cheeky Missy


"A Fortnight of Valentines"---my latest (crazy)whimsy....a collection of sappy sonnet (attempts), fraught with redundancy, and so hastily executed and crafted by imaginative fancy as to hopefully not be too repulsive to the reader.  And yes, fairly UNedited, presently.


Day six


(sonnet attempt # XXI) 


In your eyes, Valentine, reflecting now, 
The promise of forever flickering
And ever steadily now heightening, 
The realization of our dreams avow, 
That passion's flame in my own eyes is how
Thus potently and readily the king
Of ourselves and our affections; a thing
Alive and sweetly true, none disallows.
Alluringly, intoxicating, sweet, 
Possession instantaneously taken...
We yield not reluctantly, love's design: 
Our hearts, our minds, our all, our lives complete.
What ecstasy and bliss do we now waken....
What wondrous thing is LOVE, sweet Valentine! 
