
The Girl who Boasted

There was once a girl,
Who boasted a lot,
She boasted so much,
That she made others brain rot.

She said that she rowed down the Niagara falls,
Or that she had been to the moon,
She said that she had roamed the world in 3 days,
Or that she had sung the best tune.

She boasted so much,
That her head became big,
Bigger and bigger ,more bigger,
She became like a tree from a mere twig!

Her head became so big that she flew away,
Away to England, towards Washington,
Away to Australia,
And then towards Nagasaki.

But still she boasted about herself,
She said she had sat on the top of the Eiffel Tower,
And that she had uprooted the Red Fort,
Her head became bigger,
Bigger than a hot air balloon!

So, she is still roaming in the air,
Boasting of her “skills”,
If you see her anywhere near you,
Just inform her parents,
To bring her down they will arrange a crane.