Cheeky Missy

In Love's Haunts, Valentine.....

"A Fortnight of Valentines"---my latest (crazy)whimsy....a collection of sappy sonnet (attempts), fraught with redundancy, and so hastily executed and crafted by imaginative fancy as to hopefully not be too repulsive to the reader.  And yes, fairly UNedited, presently.


Day eleven


(sonnet attempt # XXXI) 


O let us wander in the gloaming, love, 
And venture forth ere daylight breaks, 
Observe with tremulous adoring lakes
Soft rippling, motionless, kissed from above, 
Once-glowing verdure dark'ning in the sun's
Romantic waning light. Then as morn wakes
With sweetest trilling, breathlessly partake
In all the joy of newborn day begun.
And while mists swirl alluringly all round, 
Mysterious, adventuresome, refine 
Our search in love's haunts by all which surrounds: 
The whisp'ring breeze, love promising defines
Our hearts' fondest murmurs, sweetly resounds
That I'm all yours, and you're mine, Valentine! 

Any suggestions?