Cheeky Missy


"A Fortnight of Valentines"---my latest (crazy)whimsy....a collection of sappy sonnet (attempts), fraught with redundancy, and so hastily executed and crafted by imaginative fancy as to hopefully not be too repulsive to the reader.  And yes, fairly UNedited, presently.


Day twelve


(sonnet attempt # XXXII) 


You're a dream come true, perfect, fallible, 
So winsomely endearing and too sweet, 
So tender and gentle, yet firm and replete
With all that subdues, irresistible! 
To foibles half-charming, susceptible, 
So right all the time, 'tis no vain conceit! 
So capable of admitting defeat, 
Uncertain, assured, inimitable! 
Your eyes so intriguing, fascinate, 
At once masterful, entreating, entwine
So inexplicably and captivate.
Your voice so unmistakable defines
Delightful character which emanates.....
What joy you call me mine, dear Valentine! 
