
In Search of A pen

There was once a hen,

Who lived near a fountain.

What she liked most was,

A blue colour gel pen!


She asked for a gel pen from the farmer,

He didn’t have even one!

She asked for a gel pen from the engineer,

He said “I have none!”


Then she asked the jeweler,

The hen had heard he had tons.

All he had was numerous jewels,

Pens were with the jeweler’s Sons!!


Then she went to the cobbler,

And asked if he had one pen,

He said he had none,

But the carpenter will make you ten!


She went to the carpenter,

He said he will make a pen,

The hen was excited,

But all the carpenter did was to make a fence for the hen!


Then at last the hen,

Went to the jeweler’s sons,

They did give her a pen,

With a lot of buns!