

The lions are running behind him,

But the dog is fearless,

He was running as he was,

Going upstairs on a terrace.


The lions kick the dog,

The referee says it’s a foul,

Oh, it’s a free kick,

The lions roar and scowl.


The dog comes running,

The lions get ready,

The dog hits the ball,

It goes as if a magic was put on it already.


It bends like a Beckham kick,

The defenders just kept seeing the ball,

They could do nothing,

The ball was bending a lot.


The ball moves towards the post,

The keeper moves to the right side,

To stop the ball,

And put it aside.


But Oh!, It’s a brilliant shoot,

Straight into the goal,

So powerful,

The net now has a hole.


The hole is still there,

The humans think Ronaldo did it,

But the animals know,

About the legendary free kick.