
Blind Love


Why can't you see that I love you?

That I'll never stop loving you?

Even knowing that you can't;

You won't, love me?


I wish I had never known of your existance;

Never learned your name,

Heard your voice,

Seen that amazing smile.

I would have been spared the heartache,

But it's too little too late,

And now I can't live without you.


You are as natural and vital to me as breathing.

Don't you see yet?

You are key to my survival.

I can guarantee that if--

If something ever happened to you

I wouldn't want to go on.


My very existace evolves around you--

You and only you,

And no one could ever take your place,

Or steal my heart,

For you've always had it.

It's yours if you choose.


I gave it unwillingly to you a long time ago,

But you refuse to aknowledge it laying at your feet.

Abandoned, it waits for you;

I wait for you.

Will you always keep me thus?


You frustrate me to the breaking point,

Yet I love you still,

Even through all the pain you've caused me.


And I will continue to express my love for you;

If only in secret.

So I leave you with a kiss,

Though it only exists in my dreams.

In dreams of what could be:

Of you. . .and me.