

What am I doing?

Have I finally lost the plot?

What do I see happening?

If this is the path I wanna go down

Am I really willing to throw everything away?

Simply blinded with lust?


Lust is a dangerous feeling

When you think you know what you want

But does it have meaning?

I can say fuck meaning, I’m happy simply fiening

This feeling never lasts

Just leaves you wanting more

Whether it’s meaning or a feeling

You are always searching for

My head hurts, it aches too much thinking

I read too much into things

Do I give it a meaning?


How can I casually talk to you?

When I really want to do more

Mind drifting to places

I see you naked on all fours

I think I’ll leave it there & say no more regarding the matter

Either take the risk or move on or end all this in disaster.