Cheeky Missy

Reflecting in His Silence

(sonnet #XLVIII) 


Your silence deafens and speaks volumes, yea
It shuts my big trap too, reflecting when
Impassioned first, but cooling slowly then
As by degrees chagrined, perceiving, weigh
My folly with regret, remorseful lay
Me low. What have I done? Alas, again! 
Am I now ruined? My sins pile up. I ken
Them now but partly, silent in dismay.
The puppy, tail betwixt his legs, slinks off
Reproved. Your silence ample room affords
Reflection, for stillness so foreboding hangs
Like calm before the storm. Perhaps aloft
The sun shines, but black clouds obscure; I mourn, 
Your muteness so much louder than harangues.
