Cheeky Missy

For Me Irish..../Play on Ozymandias attempt #3

(sonnet attempt #LIV)


I'm wearing GREEN. My ancestry this land,
Famed "melting pot," my heritage in stone
Uncarved, befits my case. Upon its sand
I stand....and claim my Irish. Do not frown
When Scotch and Swedish are at my command
To claim as well. Still other nations read
I in the fam'ly tree. Enough such things.
Today my Irish reigns. They've porridge fed
Me since my youth. My love, it does appear, 
For tea, is Irish too? Hot temper kings
May wield as oft I do, nor yet despair---
It's Irish! "Top O' th'morning" in decay
As speech 'round here, today I'll say, laying bare
Me Irish! Th'Cath'lic touch has passed away.
