
Dream World

It seems this earth that I once knew,

Has crumbled beneath my feet.

The dust and rubble, still wet with dew,

Are the remains of this world's defeat.


I watch as the ashes of my beliefs,

Gently weigh down upon my head;

Heavy sorrow and loss call out grief,

To gaze upon these dreams that lie dead.


There was a time when the stars were bright,

And this place was young with hope and love.

There was a time when we saw the light,

And our faith stretched to the sky above.


Now look upon the ruins of the wake,

Broken palaces that once held ambition,

For all we have done is yearn to slake,

Empty promises that we mistake for passion.


Where has the strength within us gone,

The power and desire to act on what is right?

There is no hope for light when it turns dawn,

If we are stuck within a hollow, endless night.


Why has the fire of our dreams burnt to ash?

How is it that we are no longer truly free?

The time has come for ourselves to ask,

"Is this who I have always wanted to be...?"