
All Along

It’s 100 degrees in this teeming room

But all I can feel are the cold and the gloom

People are hurrying and running by

But all I can see are your bright blue eyes


From the ocean come the waves and the spray

Here to wash out my happiness and take my breath away

There are so many people but no one is around

To make sure that in my tears I won’t drown


If today I happened to pass by and see you

Would you feel even a small fraction of what I do?

Would you feel as if you were being pulled apart?

Would you feel the grief I’ve felt since you chose to depart?


As you give out execution orders and sit back on your throne

Do you even care that I’m abandoned and alone?

You’re with her now and you’re quite content

While I’m left suffering from desertion and resent


Have I been sealed up in your birdcage from the start?

Did you steal everything when I only gave my heart?

Now I stay imprisoned and sing my sorrowful swan song

As I have just realized I’ve been locked up all along