
The Rejected One

Romantic sunset
Passionate kiss
All the things I'd love to miss

Rejection cuts me off
At hello and good bye
Am i such an awful, unreasonable guy?

Why do they do this?
What have I done?
To deserve this treatment,
Be the rejected one

Nothing to her
Haven't you heard?
The accusations of me
Are truly up surd

How can they judge me
Judge a book by its cover
Cause me this pain
And cause me to hover

Over my thoughts
And the words that I said
Poured out my heart
And they shot me dead

With words of hatred
Rumors I fear
That I'm that type of guy
Which is still unclear

Rejection is stunning
And hopeless it seems
It crushes your soul
And haunts all your dreams

May the people who reject
Notice the pain
And suffering they cause
When they're to blame

Open your mind
And see the true me
The rejected one
That I'll always be