Akshay Anil Dewalwar

Lost Humanity

Consultation to numerous and my rummage around

Aghast me in the midst of the conclusion

Humanity is lost…is lost!

Are born here and die here,

Then why quarrel with each other.

These altercations take war form.

We are those who begun it.


The terra firma we tread on is one,

But the gluttony divides it apart.

Like the game of childhood,

A brother as police and other felon.

Let such not prolong.


The cloud which showered abundance,

Can’t drop a drop now.

Flooded the river was once,

Has astray the capability to water a plant now.

Provided fruits the plant which,

Can’t be seen with a leaf now.


When stepped forth to give,

Emanated friends like monsoon shower.

Arrived chance there, scatted the all.

Impede and envisage of the reality,

Where the harmony persists?


Commit to memory, who swindled was among us.

As a poison’s drop, poisons everything,

Let that not exterminate you.

Annihilate it before it does you.

Let tree of humanity germinate.

Manure it and it will yield to you.


Stand amalgamated and march forth

To take our race to –

To the pinnacle of serenity.

May this bit of mine,

Develop humanity in all.


Akshay Anil Dewalwar