

I’ve given all I can

I’m thin now.

I’m empty now.


Look at you,

Your fat now,

You’re a dumb cow now

Lose it,

Can’t use it,

Don’t ever pursue it.


Why does it have to be,

So fucking hard for me?

For you it’s a hit,

You fucked up peice of shit!

I’ll listen to my music,

Can’t hear my mommy sayin’

“Turn off the devil’s music!”


It’s not about the devil,

It’s more than that.

It’s on a higher level.

If you can’t understand

Don’t listen to my band.

I’m not being mean.

I swear to you,

I’m clean.


Look, you’re wasting my time,

I sing so they don’t cut down your pine.

Its high now.

To beautiful,

I don’t understand.


Pull the pulley and lift your body,

From the ground.

Eyes full of light,

we're free now,

from your sight.